Thursday, July 7, 2016

Irachka. I apologise for the past and make you this offer.

We sat across each other in your bedroom. I ask you to walk me to the door when you initially get up before you could take a single step leaning towards you I grab your buttocks and start kissing you. You first consider pulling away but the sudden intimacy of the moment you give it a chance. My smoothening and firm massaging of your rear end just as you feel a more firm grip I kiss passionately your neck. Moving my hand slowly upwards towards your back I quickly maneuver your body back a little and slide my hands under your shirt. Going back to french kissing you, you notice your bra being undone. At the moment of your last consideration in getting away from our passion, I stop kissing you , step back and unclothe your body. removing your shirt. Unbuttoning mines as you helplessly smile watching. A final click of the back of your bra, it falls to the floor. I push you onto the bed. Lay next to you, holding my head upwards just enough to be above your breasts. When you initially notice the humidity level between your frontal thighs rise a small bit, I firmly grab your breasts and sly my tongue from it's top onto your nipple. Caressing it softly with my tongue, I tightly grab and massage your other breasts noticing your nipples become erect I move my hands onto your jeans. Unbuttoning and unzipping them. You don't even notice due to the relaxing tension of the moment provided to you. The fact you've sub-conciously thought about this since the last time we saw each other gives you a last moment of unconciously denying the fact your jeans have gone loose. so my head and hands on your waist aren't too close, I again kiss your neck. Pulling down your jeans. Being that it takes some effort and you feel mild discomfort due to your jeans being fairly tight, you let out a quiet moan-like nose as I grab firmly the sides of your jeans and pull the down fully. Your face turns mildly red I let you away from any physical contact and take off my pants. You quickly notice in my underwear that you're not the only one aroused and the mild redness of your face turns from red to nearly a sunshine color. Before second guessing on either of our parts, I use one hand to tear down your final piece of clothing disguising your vagina and keeping your butt in place and with the other hand I gently maneuver your head downwards as we both move to sitting on the bed. You lean forward and realise you have to be laying down to comfortably perform oral but due to the fact you notice a tickle waist area you start to suck leaning forward. Two fingers are inserted and are testing the moisture inside you, you firmly begin devour my manhood, My erection turns to steel and you're stunned by both that fact and an incredible level of moist-arousal you experience. I violently pull your head up and away, force you to lay on your back and due to our small height difference, my head is above yours, one hand keeping your head down making sure your body doesn't move too much , I'm inside you. as I begin to penetrate you, I keep myself up a tad bit with one hand and run the other hand across your forehead noticing you've fallen into sweat. I pick up the pace of penetration, some of the sweat drips to the sides of your temple. I use both hands to push myself up a little, my hands being right around your head and within touch of your ears. You're now being pounded heavily by a fairly light body's cock. With that comfortably numbing pleasure you exasperate a near-groaning like noise. So I stop, move off you. Push you off your bed leaving you bent forwards on it and only your feet on the floor holding your body at a near 90 degree angle, I start to fuck you from behind. You use all the effort you got, the mass of  your toes keeps you at that angle, the moisture inside you gives you the strentgh to stay in that position for a good 5 minutes. Just as you feel you no longer have the strentgh to stay well positioned, I pick up one of your legs moving it onto the bed and you quickly use the last strentgh in you to jump sideways atop the bed. Laying on your side, I lift one of your legs and hold it up just enough so that you can't feel your thighs touching each other as I slam you when your moans become continual. I politely exclaim, "Dear irachka, you're receiving what you've denyingly waited all these years for...when I ran across your facebook profile saw you in a skirt, I came to that conclusion." Your moans stop and a genuine smile comes onto your face. Just as an orgasmic tingle comes across you, your smile turns into nearly a frown and the sudden decline in sexual desire due to you orgasming you initially feel somewhat awkward that a young man you've known since he was a teenager whom youre old enough to be mother of, has brought upon you this gift. When I slide myself out of you, move my waist at your face level...forcefeeding you my dick as the discomfort of the large steel inside your mouth fades due to it softening, you notice a hot 90 degree spoiled-milk like liquid in your mouth and due to you giggling it runs across the sides of your face when I begin to laugh, falling off you. I laugh for maybe a minute, stand up tossin' a thin blanket on top of you, I start to get dressed. You blindly stare and before I get to putting on my shirt, I walk out of the room. The rest of this story, you can romantically figure for yourself.

This short and passionate tale has been provided to you, for free. Where as this fictional piece of passionate work being provided to you in person may have a small fee that's yet to be defined.

The place of this likely occuring is to be chosen by you. Neither of our friends/family/aquiantances will ever find out. Guarenteed.

Take care.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Understanding why he called cops..My insecure sociopath pedo father.

My father forced my mother to abuse me when I was a kid. He told her he'd throw her out if she didn't. He molested me. When I was a teenager here in america, he used his secretive 'abundant' cash to buy guys to sexually assault me and record it on video. And these things don't even entail 30% of his foul pathetic self. But, now he's hard pressed to make a fairly quick decision. Kill me soon or...not sure what he sees alternative as. Killing me would be very easy for him because I'm a juvenile diabetic who's a smoker and survived a sub-arachnoid hemmorhage. And apparently he has the kind of money it takes to pay off a small private pharmacy to give him a bottle of medication exact same name/doseage as one I take. Or he tactfully manipulated one of his doctors to prescribe him it. Neurontin 300mg. In 2013 he landed me in a coma with mother/brother knowing he did it so now he's got them tied financially and legally, telling them if they go against him siding with me, they'll go down to for being in on whats basically attempted murder. And maybe he sees it all, how it is today as his asking god for forgiveness because after all, he's so proud of his jewish heritage yet recently started going to church every now and then never seen him attend a synagogue other than financial purpose. But he'll hold back every laugh out of insecurity, overplay the hard working middle-class struggled individual also partially out of insecurity and mostly to disguise his assets/continue assertively being a snake. And how can any of this come out to be as anything other than the words of a drug addict? Only people 100% aware are own family who he's got blackmailed and rationalises with. anyone else who knows at all, has strong financial ties to him. So on, so forth. But when he's alone to himself, he knows just what he is. A pedophile snake afraid to laugh because his laugh may very well in his own eyes disclose the fact that he's gay and in soviet times...that didn't work out too well for men.

My father - Iosif Geller .

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Small argument with brother..he calls cops..

A week in rikers. First 2 days layed out on floor withdrawal, time was over I smelled like pigshit praying for death. Then, TYPICAL shit in rikers man. Puerto rican dude lets me use a few phone calls gives me a shirt to wear while I washed my "throw back" as a guy called it, Pippen jersey , today i get waken up guy yells "GELLER TIME FOR COURT" I replied that's aight, I'll take the penalty not going. So officer ccomes by and insists. I get on the bus, always a joyous ride. I get there, few cheese sandwiches. They got this broad talkin to me bout a fucking year plong drug program i had to apologise 3 times to her for foulmouthing i was so agitated. So I figure this is it, last time they offered outpatient I refused this time passive penalty went up to a year program I said no, ill be on the bus back to rikers keepin my clean time. Officer comes by says GELLER COME TO SEE THE JUDgE. then says "No judge, you going home." This SMIRK WAS SINCERE. I got angry. Cause im a fucking needle ridden junkie. and rikesr as my saviour they took it away from me. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL PUNISHMENT. THE JOINT OUTA BE A VACATION , PRISON WORST CASE SCENARIO ID BECOME A LADY. But this right here , this is fucking torture. And ...well...this is me.


Oh yeah, this autistic dude also puerto rican when I was in rikesr first time in late april, we were on the bus togeteher goin to court, we gettin of f the bus asshole pulls me i almost fell off the bus stair case todaye in waiting cvell in staten island he comes up to me smiles puts out his hand to shake mine and says "Remember me?" in a friendly tone. I said no. Few sentences  small talk later, he gets rude.  Finally I gave in. I lowered my face, pointed to my chin and said "aight guy, first shot's yours." He smiled...and walked away.

Dental work denied again. Insult to injury on a perpetual victim.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Snakes in my shadow. Novel by paul geller. new york times god.

Brother stole all my passwords and changed them.
In return for me asking what he wants me to do for him
to make up for my years of fuck ups. I guess all he
wants is for me to die while he's my shadow.
But then where will that leave him when i'm 6 under?
Aight. Imma let it be.

Fughedbout pops, he tries to intimidate me into becoming a homo cause hes a miserable closet case. He wants to kill me? I'll just watch.